2 definitions by Wannabe lifestyler

THE lifestyle is a certain mode of living that can be easily recognized and understood by others.

They usually live in Hawaii or some other tropical paradise, living off Instagram and leaving the rest of us clueless on how they do it.
"Damn that's THE lifestyle." -99% of society looking at the 1% flaunting it on Instagram.
by Wannabe lifestyler April 2, 2018
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Lifestylers are people who adopts a certain mode of living that can be easily recognized and understood by others.
They know that there is more to life than getting their ass slapped by their boss doing 9-5. They are often adventurers, extremesport-athletes, videographers, entrepreneurs etc.
Lifestylers are people that would typically say "Just gotta send it bro" while they record themselves doing whatever they are passionate about..If you bump into one of the entrepreneur ones, he or she are most likely diehard fans of Gary Vaynerchuk, Grant Cardone etc and prefer to wake up at 5am.
by Wannabe lifestyler April 2, 2018
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