2 definitions by WHATDOlPUTHEREBRO

Come on lets be honest, if you ever see this species, RUN. Doesn't matter if you have thirium. Just run.

Known for demanding thirium and eating all types of blue foodstuff.

Can be soft and fluffy once you get to know them.
"Hey I heard the thiriumlicker stole some more thirium the other day."

"I think the thiriumlicker adopted Connor, I didn't realise they could adopt people."
by WHATDOlPUTHEREBRO October 15, 2021
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Holy fuck the best club to exist. You ain't been there? You haven't even lived. 2 of the coolest mfs there.

Kinda remind me of the show Big & Small from when I was a kid 🤔🤔

They know everything, got all the best info.
"Do you know who cvmski_detestclub is?"

"Yo I love cvmski_detestclub! They're so cool!!"
by WHATDOlPUTHEREBRO October 15, 2021
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