1 definition by VolsungaSaga

1. (Noun) A group of seafaring reavers, raiders, traders, and pirates that marauded all across Europe in the 8th-10th centuries, in varied locations such as the eastern coast of England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany, Spain. Primarily of Norse ancestry.

They were tactically fond of lightning raids for booty, known as the "strandhogg" in Old Norse, followed by just as swift retreats back into safe waters. Due to the decentralized, nigh-anarchic structure of Continental European and English governments at the time, these vicious raids went practically unchallenged; before a local lord could muster his warband and ride to the beleaguered settlement, the raiders were long gone with whatever slaves, valuables, and livestock they could pilfer.

Not every Norseman was a Viking, and not every Viking was a Norseman.

2. (Adjective): Of, or pertaining to, the Vikings.

3. (Verb, Old Norse): To go raiding, plundering, and generally causing mayhem.

4. (Noun): The Minnesotan NFL team.
"Halgrim, what are you doing this spring?"

"Well, I might go Viking after the crops are sown."
"It seems that the Vikings are coming to our monastery, Brother Ethelred. Perhaps they wish to convert!"

"Perhaps they do, Brother Wydhealf. I shall go and meet them. You go and unlock the gate."
"Look, on the horizon! Viking longships!"

"Truly, we are doomed! God help us!"
"The Vikings did really well this game, absolutely demolishing the Giants!"

"That's right, John. But before we look at the play-by-play, let's hear a word from our sponsors."
by VolsungaSaga April 9, 2015
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