2 definitions by Vlad the Explainer

The act of saying a word and then saying the word again, but putting "schm" in front of a word, usually also replacing the first consonant, as a means of expressing skepticism, ridicule, or sarcasm.
Teenager: Mom, I can't help you with the dishes because I have so much homework to do.
Mom: Homework Schmomework, you get down here this instant and empty the dishwasher!
Teenager: Dishwasher Schmishwasher! I have a history essay due tomorrow.
Mom: History schmistory, you can take a break and help your mother!!!
Teenager: Mother Schmother
Mom: Dont you Mother Schmother me!! I will give mother schmother if you dont get down here right now...
Teenager: Now Schmow

SCHMYMING can go on indefinitely
by Vlad the Explainer December 17, 2017
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That period of time while you are waiting for the compiler to finish.
I play Minesweeper during the period of codependency.
by Vlad the Explainer December 19, 2017
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