3 definitions by Vinz Clortho

Two fart warning

Usually associated with nasty looking foods, such as breakfast buritos, mexican food in general, or even fast food. After consuming these types of foods, you usually have 2 farts to find a toilet before you have a nasty case of the shits.
by Vinz Clortho April 8, 2008
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fart in the wind

Describes how fast one leaves an area, usually very quickly, as a fart would dissapate quickly in the wind.
When those cops showed up, he dissapeared like a fart in the wind.
by Vinz Clortho April 8, 2008
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dry fart

Your standard issue fart. There are no offending ass juices that escape when you release the noxious gas.
Man, after all those beans I'm glad that was a dry fart.
by Vinz Clortho April 7, 2008
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