2 definitions by Vincent R.

A slang term for a Filipino boy that has the looks a Filipino that is white-washed. An Exotico is basically a TWINKIE... yellow on the outside and white filling inside.
Doctor: Haha! Vinnie is a TWINKIE!
Ryan: Wow mom. Vinnie is also a EXOTICO!
Vinnie: NOPE! I am THE ViNNiExotico!
Doctor: Haha!
Ryan: BLAHKIT!?!
Vinnie: Cuz I am.
by Vincent R. March 1, 2007
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Whippy is a new word that was made in 2007 that you use when you want to say something is cool, tight, nice, chill(OK).
Ryan: What do you think about my new car?
Vinnie: I think it's whippy.
Ryan: Haha. You better think that.
Vinnie: Why?
Ryan: It was a lot of money.
Vinnie: Haha.
by Vincent R. February 26, 2007
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