1 definition by Vagisilence creator

An extremely contagious disease that occurs when a man ignores his friends' phone calls and text messages because a vagina is within 3 feet of his penis.

Can also occur when a guy is in a relationship where the woman wears the pants, when the woman is in charge of the mans phone, or the man loses all desire to interact with anyone but the vagina that is within three feet of his penis.

In rare occassions, this epidemic can transfer to women that meet a cute guy with a super cute dog. In this case, it's called Penisilence.
The Thread

Paul: "Kyle is awfully quiet on the group text tonight."

Antwan: "Yeah he had a date."

Staci: "Poor little guy, must be suffering from Vagisilence..."

... 3 weeks later...

Kyle: "Hey guys, what's goin on?"
by Vagisilence creator January 9, 2016
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