3 definitions by Ushna Bling

Someone who buys a prostitute for their friends as a gift for Christmas.
Johnny was a real vaginta claus this year. He got six hookers for Freddy for Christmas!
by Ushna Bling July 6, 2015
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Someone who habitually and intentionally leaves any form of pubic hair on random surfaces including but not limited to toilet seats, tubs, sinks, toothbrushes and food.
Ewe!!! why is there a pube on my toothbrush?!? Did Randy spend the night again? He is such a pubic nuisance!!
by Ushna Bling July 6, 2015
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A person who knowingly provides std's to unknowing victims via any orifice. This usually occurs on a consistent basis and involves small amounts of money. Most victims become venderial machines as well.
Sharey is the biggest venderial machine I have ever seen....Joe got three diseases in one session. He in turn gave herpes to Ron and John.
by Ushna Bling July 6, 2015
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