1 definition by Username, from moparscape.org/smf

MoparScape is a client that connects to RuneScape private servers. RuneScape private servers and everything to do with them is usually called "Mopar server". The MoparScape community is filled with 9-13 idiots with no knowledge of Java the whole community of private servers is a great lulz. Private Servers usually have retarted names created by people with no imagination heres some of the names "BloodScape" "OwnageScape" "PK Isle X" "Ownage Isle" limitless basically choosing a random word and adding "Scape" to it. Netfucks such as people who fear the Mopar because of the brainwash RuneScape communitys and Jagex put on them think that the mopar contains spyware keyloggers and other shit porn websites give to you. People sometimes release their servers for others to work on however these servers are usually crap meaning shit that anyone can do. The private server community is very protective of their crappy work they will call anyone who has replicated their work "leechers" a word every moparscapian fears to be called . Sometimes these moparscapians form development but do not know that everyone they recruit are useless shit. There is one protective bigshot who won't release it's client cause it fears TEH LEECHAZ. Sometimes servers create online forums usually free and always SMFFORFREE for their only-to-be-online-for-3-days server. Every server has an admin to watch the players. These admins will ban you on the spot and will ruin your gameplay. This is only a brief introduction into the horrors of runescape private servers.
MY!!!!! moparscape server ownage pk isle x v3 beta choob ownz scape been realeased dun leech!!!
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