1 definition by UrbanJoeShmacker

A grocery store that is known for its high prices and over worked, brow beaten employees.

The only place in this free country where a 75 year old bagger with a severe limp is expected to walk a customer outside and unload their bags of groceries into their Lexus or Soccer mom van.
Where, if an irate, uncouth customer screams and yells loud enough, can get any item for free for no valid reason.
"I shopped at Publix yesterday, and saw a well-dressed woman belittle a 65 year old deli clerk in front of a manager. People are so rude"

"If you enjoy never having weekends off with your family, constantly being harrassed for not working fast enough, and enjoy being debased and exploited by obscene, cheap customers just trying to get something for free, then work for Publix"
by UrbanJoeShmacker December 7, 2008
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