1 definition by Uranes
A stupid term used by pseudo intellectuals with unjustified superiority complexes. Usually think they are above people because Mommy told them so despite the evidence of them being total losers in society. Mostly a term used by inarticulate hypocritical people who are trying to sound haughty & witty.
''The real hoi polloi''
1. A person who votes for and or likes George Bush.
2. A person who you can't expect much from. Someone who thinks they're witty for liking something thats uncommon yet is the biggest hypocrite of them all and listens to other people for guidance.
3.A person who can't support and or think for themselves and relies on someone to take care of them.
A person who claims others are the 'hoi polloi' yet dosen't realize they're even lower than that.
1. A person who votes for and or likes George Bush.
2. A person who you can't expect much from. Someone who thinks they're witty for liking something thats uncommon yet is the biggest hypocrite of them all and listens to other people for guidance.
3.A person who can't support and or think for themselves and relies on someone to take care of them.
A person who claims others are the 'hoi polloi' yet dosen't realize they're even lower than that.
by Uranes November 8, 2007