1 definition by Unknown554477

Davanshu, they are the people who usually like everything; LITERALLY everything. From games to music to Kpop to anime. They even like both Marvel and Dc! They only dislike a few things, such as Maths (even though they like robotics and are talented robot makers).
They are more interested in the Technology or technical things even than their studies or anything.If they start something then they don't think about anything else before finishing the task. They are also good friends and they are supportive and helpful in nature. They are the one's who can bear their lose but not anyone's else. They always think good of other, they have a sharp mind and they cannot cheat or fraud anyone. They are good cousins and brothers.
I have an friend named Davanshu and he has a very good nature.
by Unknown554477 November 23, 2021
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