1 definition by U know what it is.

A beautiful girl who is funny but still has a lot of sass in her. Be careful because she will steal your man. She is thicka than a snicka and will never be a bite size twix *cough *cough. She a great fighter so don't mess with her. She is the boss and always will be the boss so best stay in your place, because you come at the king you best not miss okay. She will also fight you for talking about her friends behind there back because she will check you from any direction. Don't try it girls. She also sexy ASF. She doesn't wish she was Beyonce, Beyonce wish she was her.
I wish my girlfriend was like D'Zarria.
Guess who the finest person in the world is... D'Zarria.
by U know what it is. November 2, 2018
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