2 definitions by Typical_Ukraine

When someone reposts art that doesn't belong to them without credit.

Even if you claim the art isn't yours, you still gotta credit the fucking artist for their work and effort. Sure, the drawing might not have taken long for them to make, and therefore isn't a lot of effort, but the amount of time it took to learn how to draw in a way that makes them feel proud of their own work definitely is effort.
Person 1: Why is Art Theft such a big deal? It's just free exposure to the artist, lmao.

Person 2: It's not free exposure when the artist isn't credited for their work.

Person 1 (now pissed off): tHeY sHoUlD bE gLaD tHaT i'M eVeN lOoKiNg At It! PeOpLe ArE sMaRt EnOuGh To FiNd ThE aRtIsT oN tHeIr OwN!!!!

Person 2: Clearly you aren't smart enough, since you didn't bother looking for the original artist to credit them.
by Typical_Ukraine April 11, 2020
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People who are born on October 31

Including me... Yay...

They love blood and gore... Or they might hate it. Idk what you like. Oh yeah, they certainly have some sort of love for some sort of spooky creature (in my case, it's cryptids... And dragons... And a bunch of other stuff). And if you're a memer... You've probably worn (or want to wear) an inflatable dinosaur costume.
Person One: Hey I was born on Halloween !


Person One: Wh-what-

Person Two: *Proceeds to start screaming like a mad man*

Person One: *Also proceeds to start screaming like a terrified cat*
by Typical_Ukraine April 11, 2020
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