1 definition by TruthSeeker1999

(formerly free speech) A term used typically by a left leaning individual to dismiss an argument they do not like or can't think of a rebuttal for. If you cannot be proven right with logic, reducing your opponent's argument and character is a good way to come out virtuous and save face. Continuing to label things as hateful reduces the idea space of things you need to comprehend, making it easier to recite answers for arguments you don't have a fully formed opinion on. Reducing language is the best way to limit the amount of things you need to learn. If quantum mechanics class was too difficult, simply label it hate speech and there's no need to learn the formulas!

See also: cancel culture, closemindedness, ignorance is bliss, misinformation
Alice: you just contradicted yourself
Bob: no I didn't that's you are just peddling hate speech and/or misinformation


Alice: I hate it when they report raw impartial data
Bob: data and statistics is the purest form of hate speech
by TruthSeeker1999 February 7, 2022
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