1 definition by Triple agent

Double agent is the guy you don’t want to leave your 2 year old around. Although he looks like a genuine guy there is something darker under his pedo mustache and shaggy long hair. He has an obsession with male genitalia and will do anything to get his hands on your cherries. He will also go to extreme lengths to fill you up with laxatives just so he can film you while your ass explodes on the toilet. If you spend a night with a double agent it is very likely that you have been left a note saying the condom broke along with multiple male genitalia drawings on your face. He is usually found in his natural habitat around the yellow bin out the front of your house waiting for a red head to walk past so he can enslave him for picking lemons. These lemons can usually be found with caleb nowland at the Aus open
Girl 1 - omg I met a double agent last night

Girl 2 - omg no way he must be so good

(At the end of the day)
Girl 1 - ( realizes the drawings on her face and reads note)

Also Girl 1- ( cant get off toilet becuase if the high strength laxatives)
by Triple agent January 18, 2020
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