3 definitions by Trinity Mind

Prostopia means "near future". It's a portmanteau of the Greek prefix "Pros" (meaning near) and the common suffix "topia" (meaning land), such as in the words utopia or dystopia. Its primary use is in describing hard sci-fi showing an imminent future usually based on plausible technology (not fantasy or magic).
EX MACHINA is a cautionary tale set in a prostopia.
Mike Judge's brilliant film IDIOCRACY was meant to be a satire showing an absurdist far future. But given the mad idiots nowadays, I fear it's prostopian.
by Trinity Mind May 13, 2021
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"Bad Beat Infection" is an alternate term for "Breakthrough Infection".

CNN's Dr. Sanja Gupta laments that the term "breakthrough infection is NOT "...the right phrase. To me, it doesn't seem nuanced enough to describe what's going on; it only serves to alarm those of us who are already vaccinated, and potentially discourage those who are hesitant."
Consequently, "Bad Beat Infection" is better because it refers to the poker term "Bad Beat". A bad beat is when you have very strong odds in your favor but still get unlucky. it's important to recognize that proper medical vaccines put the odds strongly in your favor and that without them thousands/millions more would die.
"He's fully vaccinated but he was in the tiny percentage that got a bad beat infection. Fortunately, he's OK thanks to the vaccines."
by Trinity Mind August 12, 2021
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"Bad Beat Infection" is an alternate term for "Breakthrough Infection".

CNN's Dr. Sanja Gupta laments that the term "breakthrough infection is NOT "...the right phrase. To me, it doesn't seem nuanced enough to describe what's going on; it only serves to alarm those of us who are already vaccinated, and potentially discourage those who are hesitant."
Consequently, "Bad Beat Infection" is better because it refers to the poker term "Bad Beat". A bad beat is when you have very strong odds in your favor but still get unlucky. it's important to recognize that proper medical vaccines put the odds strongly in your favor and that without them thousands/millions more would die.
"He's fully vaccinated but he was in the tiny percentage that got a bad beat infection. Fortunately, he's OK thanks to the vaccines."
by Trinity Mind August 12, 2021
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