3 definitions by Travis and Adam

A black man who works in a morgue because he loves to admire the Chinese man's small penis. Also, he is black.
by Travis and Adam December 14, 2003
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The brontosaurus of Earth. If seen, run for your life because she might eat you. She is a fat bitch who loves cybersex and a black man who works in a morgue (necropheliac). She is also fat.
Look outside your window, you'll see her on the horizon.
by Travis and Adam December 14, 2003
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1. When a man's pubic hair is larger than the bush outside his home.
2. A sex act in which the female is sucking the guy, and he stuffs her face into his bush, suffocating her, then shitting on her chest and breast-fucking it all.
OMG, Adam has a Naughty Jungle of Love!
by Travis and Adam December 14, 2003
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