1 definition by Towel Burgers

(Pronounced Per-so)
1. A moment where a memory is triggered with personal meaning to one or more person/s.
2. A moment that you had to witness to understand
3. A conversation between two or more people where tone and expressions are used instead of words.

Origin. In the early hours on an early day in 2013, two extremely handsome and intelligent Waikatoians, The Duke of Burgers and Lord Higgiliscious, were recollecting their evening after an intoxicating, self induced stupor night at a Sir NETSKY entertainment extravaganza. These two connoisseurs engaged in conversation regarding an arguement, an apology, a conversation of two indoctrinating harlots, the feeling of euphoria, the drop of thou art bass and the establishment of their brother in arms affection for each other. All this done with only using the word "bro".
It came to be that this art form of communication was to be established under the name of "per-so"
It was so funny you had to be there. Its a perso.

The word perso is a perso of The Duke of Burgers and Lord Higgiliscious
by Towel Burgers July 7, 2014
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