2 definitions by Toronto the Great

A pretentious city with delusions of grandeur and penis envy (Toronto's dick is way bigger). I equate Calgary to the farmboy redneck who just won the lottery and bought himself a new car, new clothes and a fancy house. You may look good, you may have money, but Calgary you still have no class or sophistication, because deep down you are still a redneck.
Gee wiz look at me, I am Calgary - a hip and cool place because of all that oil money that I dug up from the ground but didn't really have to use by brains or ingenuity to create. Shhh, please don't tell my master Toronto.
by Toronto the Great May 5, 2007
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A city that is past its prime where the best and the brightest have left for Toronto and replaced by naive frogs from the countryside. All that Montreal has going for it is its strip clubs filled with strippers who are not from Montreal:) Please Montrealers, the Habs have not won a cup since the LAST century, since the club started employing only francophone GM's and coaches. It is no longer a dynasty! You can't run an Olympics and you can't even keep a major league baseball team in the city - despite revenue sharing! Sure Montreal is a fun city, but that is all that it will ever be. Like New Orleans, it is a city that exists for the pleasure, gratification and whisms of out-of-towners. If you want success or a better future for your family, move to Toronto or Calgary where people actually work hard. If you are a lazy hippie, welfare bum, crackhead, crackwhore, or ignorant bumpkin frog, then move to Montreal.
Montreal, City, Decay, Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Canada
by Toronto the Great July 6, 2006
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