1 definition by Tony Hernandhez

Laksamana is a fighter in this world.In British name we call it "Admiral " or "Armada". He is a tough guy and gentleman.He is very strong.Friendly person.Very educated person but he don't like to study actually.He also very faster man that's why he have a big ship.A traveller.All his opinions are the best opinions in this world.Can make a impossible thing in this world.Very handsome than other guys.He very expert in religious things.

-Fastest man
-Brave guy
-Stronger people

-Friendly person
-Educated people
-Good in all sports

-Handsome man ever

For those who read this information,you must have a friend that named Laksamana because he can care about you,help you and make your life colourful if you very know and friendly with him which is Laksamana.
Laksamana is A brave guy
by Tony Hernandhez December 27, 2016
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