3 definitions by Tod Held

A large fetal being with a chapped penis head and hands that runs around with a speach impediment and club feet.
Commonly found in Southern Indiana in dry river beds and ghettos.
Damn, did you just see that gwidnasty run by?
by Tod Held February 27, 2003
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An extremely retarded tard who gets pushed around in his wheelchair all day by Todd Held commonly found roaming the hallways at high speeds. Resembles the Gwidnasty in a wheelchair.
Jordan- "Hey wheels!"
Wheels- "ngaaaa"
Jordan- "My Dad died today, he tried to tell me something, i can't really remember what it was so i guess it doesn't matter now cause he's dead."
by Tod Held February 27, 2003
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Whenever the Gwidnasty goes crazy and throws chairs across the room while screaming profanity.
Damn, did you just see that gwidnasty go gwidcrazy?
by Tod Held March 1, 2003
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