2 definitions by Toadail

Someone who believes everything they hear on TV and other mainstream media, yet chooses to ignore official CDC numbers, such as how Covid has a 99.9997% recovery rate for those under 30, and 99.92% recovery rate for those 70+. They also ignore the fact that health "experts" on TV have told us that hospitals mark just about any death as a Covid death, no matter how they died, simply because they tested positive for Covid or were merely suspected of such.

Thus, these people wear their masks everywhere they go like it's a status symbol, while believing it actually does any good.
Look at that Covidiot driving around wearing a mask!
by Toadail October 29, 2020
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also spelled onybla

onibla: adj. opposite of albino, n. a person or animal having dark/black eyes, hair, skin, clothes, feathers, etc. and is overwhelmingly dark/black

Onibla is the backwards spelling of albino. Also onibla is a combination of onyx (oni/ony) and black (bla).
by Toadail July 27, 2006
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