1 definition by Tip Tip The Bird

A person with Internet Tourettes is characterized by an uncontrollable urge to blurt out random messages in the form of a comment, an image, a gif, or a video.
Whether or not these messages are appropriate in any sort of context is up to said person.

Generally, this term can be applied to a wide array of people, but in most cases, it can be boiled down to two distinct types:
1. A shitposter who replies in an exaggerated way to a post for the sake of comedy.
2. A crazy person who immediately derails an otherwise normal conversation with utter nonsense for no (obvious) reason.
1. "We can't ever have a normal group chat, because every time Tom posts anything serious, George comes in with his Internet Tourettes and spams shitposts that have no relation to the conversation."

2. "Whenever I post a cute cat picture on Facebook, my friend with Internet Tourettes just HAS to chime in with conspiracy theories about the moon landing."
by Tip Tip The Bird October 29, 2023
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