1 definition by TiggyRawrrrrr

-The most difficult person to get in touch with but when you do, the messages always bring a smile to your face.
-Is great with the girls, always has someone else with him, goes for the pretty ones, so it's nice to know he is yours :P -This is also bad because he is a MAJOR flirt.
-Gives the most amazing kisses and cuddles.

-Makes you feel very special.
-Although he can upset you A LOT and very easily, he can make you feel so loved that you get the warm fuzzies.
-Really funny :P
-SOO fun to play wrestle ;D
Rhys: Texts at night: "I wanna cuddle you and have you fall asleep in my arms, warm and happy. I love you :)"
by TiggyRawrrrrr May 5, 2011
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