2 definitions by Threetimeguy

Formally used as a greeting, filler word, and a farewell. It can also be used as an adjective to describe something or someone good or bad depending on the context. Commonly used in the wireless tribe as a filler word to keep the conversation interesting.
person 1- "Hey that guy didn't want to take my deal." person 2- " shashamye, you almost hit budget for the month."

person 1- "good morning sir!" person 2- "shashamye! the weather is nice today."

person 1- "so I was with this girl last night, and she was a total shashamye." person 2- "dude I totally know how you feel."

person 1- "hey man what are we shashamye eating for lunch?" person 2- "I don't know bro but I'm getting shashamye hungry."
by Threetimeguy May 7, 2022
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The act of saying hello or goodbye. It can also be used to describe someone or something doing anything good or bad depending on context. Commonly used by the wireless tribe as a filler word to keep the conversation interesting.
Hey I think that guy is shashaming to you.

My computer is shashaming, it wont let me process this upgrade.

Yo this girl is so shashaming, I haven't been this happy in a while.
by Threetimeguy May 14, 2022
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