1 definition by Thorfinn Karlsefni

That school in Cicero that's only for students in their first year of high school. The population consists of 94% Mexicans, 4% blacks, 2% whites, most of which will become some of the most deadbeat people one could ever meet. A large portion of these will flip their shit if you even step a foot within their crusty-ass Air Force Ones. These kids are usually the people to go to if you want some cheap weed or easy and mediocre pussy. It's a real easy place to get drugs and get laid, though the pussy kinda sucks. Many of the students enjoy posting the most pointless pictures on Snapchat and Instagram, which you should stay away from if you're actually a person with productive activities to be doing, but if you're going to school then that's real fucking unlikely. Many adults will talk about this school like it's such a healthy learning environment for the students or whatever the fuck, but it's not. The people you can blame range from Larry Dominick to the teachers who, for the most part, don't give a flying shit about properly teaching the students. Some of the teachers are genuinely cool people that you can have a proper conversation with, but most teachers are not like this at all. Basically, it's a place filled to the brim with some of the most degenerate people you will ever meet, most of the teachers are corrupt and don't give two fucks about the students, and it's pretty easy to get sucked into the deadbeat lifestyle yourself if you really want to.
Just passed by the Morton Freshman Center, some 5'3 Mexican kid with acne and scuffed Jordans just tried to square me up with his group of phonies.
by Thorfinn Karlsefni March 27, 2020
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