2 definitions by Theo C. Cupier III

POECON is the semi-annual summer-camp for the Inner Cabal of the Portal of Evil, where these Masters of the Online Universe gather to let down their hair and indulge in bacchanalian excesses that would make Caligula blush. There are a hundred eye-popping rumors about POECONS, involving groinal fireworks, inflatable grandmothers, the improbable quantities of liquor, and skinnydipping retards, some or most of which may be true.
Burning Man? Forget that shit, I'm going to POECON.
by Theo C. Cupier III November 4, 2004
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A kthon is a follower of online guru K. Thor Jensen, guiding intelligence behind the cult website Portal of Evil. Only the most favored kthons are invited to the semi-annual convention known as POECON (qv).
Fuck you, I'm not a Goon! I'm a Kthon!
by Theo C. Cupier III November 4, 2004
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