2 definitions by Thedon Trump

The antivirus to the virus that is the Trump brand.
"I'm sick of Donald Trump. I'm sick of his lies, his subterfuge. His name on buildings. I can't take it anymore!"
"You need an antitrump!”
“Go on.”
“The Trump brand is a virus. So you need an antivirus.”
"Where can I get that?"
"The Antitrump Alliance can hook you up.”
“What’s that?”
“The global alliance denouncing the Trump brand as a fraud.”
by Thedon Trump June 29, 2020
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The antibody to the virus that is the Trump brand.
"I'm sick of Donald Trump. I'm sick of his lies, his subterfuge. I can't take it anymore!"
"You need antitrump."
"Where can I get that?"
"www.antitrump.com, or The Antitrump Alliance"
by Thedon Trump June 28, 2020
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