4 definitions by The_Weird_Truth


Bis= abbreviation for Biscuit
Exual= Latin for actuall
Bisexual= Actually a biscuit
" I found out Mark was Bisexual!"
by The_Weird_Truth March 24, 2021
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Ok, Bisexual actually means being attracted to the same gendef and a different gender or males/females

Bisexual generally means attracted to more than one gender,

NO it is NOT the same as Pansexual using the proper definition stated abobe
" I'm Bisexual but I like Women, Non-binary people and Genderqueer people,"
by The_Weird_Truth March 24, 2021
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Pansexual means being attracted to ALL genders

Pansexual is NOT the same as bisexual since this is All genders
I thought she was really pretty but I met a Non-binary person and they were even more beautiful!

So your Bisexual?

No I'm Pansexual since I also like guys, genderqueer people and other genders

Isn't that greedy?

by The_Weird_Truth March 24, 2021
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