1 definition by TheWorldIs

A person who is always looking for new files to add to their USBs/computer hard drives, copying and pasting as many files as they can from other people to their own data storers, finding the most boring things that others look at entertaining. When shown a video by a friend, a file-whore will go off to download said video within the first 30 seconds of watching it and then go off to download other files.
Example #1
Tom: I was watching these really funny videos today, about this guy who-
Sam(excitedly): Cool, can you give me a copy?
Tom: God, Sam; you're such a file-whore.

Example #2
Tom plugs his USB into Sam's computer to show him a file. While going through the files to find the one he wishes to show, Sam will see his other files dart across the screen, dazzling him. The uninteresting files will appear to him as things resembling delicious pies, causing him to request a "copy" of these files.
by TheWorldIs June 13, 2014
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