3 definitions by TheRandomPastaEater

A keyboard smash... well, I think that's what its called... how did you manage to get this specific one, anyway?
Person 1: "afhyhbfahlkufbhufbhfuayuhyfdl."
Person 2: "Wait, wHaT??"
Person 1: *a bit more irritated* "afhyhbfahlkufbhufbhfuayuhyfdl!!!"
Person 2: "Yeah, I totally agree with you..."
by TheRandomPastaEater January 25, 2023
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The one time you actually need to do something on here, and the hundredth time you get distracted.
AJ: "I wonder if anybody has thought to type mbczsfhkpiyrwnvxadgjlouteq... well look at that! I just need to click this..."
AK: "Are you doing homework STILL?!""
AJ: "Uhhh... yeah..."
by TheRandomPastaEater November 3, 2022
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You have now officially reached the height of creative boredom. Please make yourself a special certificate for this.
Being 1:"zmxncbvfgdhsjkalqpwoeiurty. Is there a way to pronounce that?"
Being 2:"Please stop bothering me with all of these weird not-words!!!" *Runs out of room*
Being 3:"Aww, not look what you've done!!"
by TheRandomPastaEater November 16, 2022
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