2 definitions by TheMagicMuffin

What someone say to a person,telling them the get a life and forget about in a humorous way
example one:
Girl:*cry* my boyfriend cheated on me!
Brother:Whatever,build a bridge and get over it.

example two:
Girl: *cry* my dog I had for over 15 years just died!
friend: Build a Bridge and get over it,it looked like it was dead anyways

example three:
Girl: I think I'm pregnant!
Boyfriend: Build a Bridge and get over it,now lets have sex

I feel real sorry for that chick...
by TheMagicMuffin May 9, 2010
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either meaning 'Best Gay friend','Best Guy Friend' or 'Best Girl Friend'(On Best Girl/Guy friend,it is not meaning they are dating,just really great friends : )
1. 'You and Tim Best friends?' 'No,he is my bgf,best gay friend'

2.'Evan is like my bgf!'

3.'Carly is my bgf!'
by TheMagicMuffin May 9, 2010
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