1 definition by TheLitChick

A book that Stephanie Meyer wrote based on a dream she had. No wonder why this book is so cliche!

Twilight is really all about sex and female sexual desires. Though, you have to be more of a deep reader to understand. I know, "How the hell is Twilight deep?!" It's not. But, there are some symbols in the book. For one, the way Edward wants to bite Bella is an analogy of how much a guy will want to have sex with a girl he likes. Biting=banging. Also, the way Edward always saves Bella whenever she's in trouble just shows how pathetic us women think when it comes to love. Hello, your boyfriend isn't going to be there to save you every time some bastards on the street try to harass you!!!

As a writer myself who has read a wide variety of books in her lifetime, I can say with confidence that Twilight is the worst piece of shit "liturature" I have ever read.
Girl 1: So, what have you been reading lately?
Girl 2: I'm reading Twilight! Edward is sooo hot!!
Girl 1: I don't think we can be friends anymore.
by TheLitChick July 29, 2009
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