2 definitions by TheDude41780

The tits of a woman, usually at the age of 40 or older that sag to the point that they drag along the ground. Usually they require the use of the infamous "Over the shoulder boulder holders". They can also be referred to as fried eggs hanging from a nail. Usually unassuming and appear large and appealing when clothed but when unleashed they're given away by the classic double thump or " thump thump!" Approach any suspect hang dangers with caution, unless you're into that kinda stuff.
Dude, Joey's mom has a nice rack!

-friend- Yeah, but they're freakin hang dangers man! I totally caught her getting out of the shower and I swear to God she almost tripped over them.
by TheDude41780 March 11, 2015
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One of those farts that one tries to hide, after it slips out at an undesirable time, by closing ones legs together. Only to eventually give itself away by the signature scent of a diaper with a dead cat covered in week old Indian food. Just plain foul.
Guy #1: Oh dude!! WTF is that God awful smell??!!
Guy#2: Huh, what are you talking about? I don't smell anything.
Guy #1: Aww man!! Are you over there baking some butt bread or something??!!! Next time warn me before you do that crap!
Guy#2: Damn! I was hoping it wouldn't make it over to you. Sorry bout that bro!
by TheDude41780 September 29, 2017
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