3 definitions by TheBeaterOfMeats

the austrailian/new zealand word substitute for sketchy, dodgy, weird, etc.
Guy 1: bro look down that fuckin alley mate
Guy 2: oh mate thats mumka esk man dont go down there you gonna get fucked cunt
Guy 1: mate look, maccas (McDonalds) down there
Guy 2: fuck yeah mate lets go
by TheBeaterOfMeats August 7, 2019
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another insult to call someone you don't like, most effective if the person you are arguing with is a female. Cockgobblers usually are feminists, furries, sjws, liberals, those bitchy girls at school, or any old ass grocery store employee that yells at you and your friends for no reason or anyone yelling at you because your skateboarding.
Skater dude: yo shut the fuck up you cockgobbler
Angry dude: WHAT YOU CALL ME?
skater dude: a cockgobbler you fuckin fag
*skater proceeds to absolute suplex the angry dude*
by TheBeaterOfMeats March 15, 2019
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The act of ,whether on purpose or accidental, somehow getting your dick stuck in a toaster.
"Hey dude I need help!"
"Help with what?"
"I got my dick stuck in a toaster!"
by TheBeaterOfMeats August 8, 2017
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