1 definition by TheAlienSmiley:D

The theory that life forms change over time that is now being more widely accepted as the Law of Evolution.
For those idiots out there who argue with it on accounts of "But why are there still apes then?" or "Do you have any idea how unlikely it was for a single cell to evolve, our entire world too?"
you can easily go on believing that we humans were created by a god to be the dominant species on Earth, or you can face the fact that sooner or later a new type of human will emerge.(As long as we don't screw the planet up too badly before.)

Also; the chances? Not very high, but considering the fact that there is a chance and that it has happened don't you think that it probably already has? And will? Countless times? But then again why the hell should we humans care, we only live 80 years or so.
Creationist- "Evolution IS LIE!"
Any other person- facepalm
by TheAlienSmiley:D January 18, 2011
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