2 definitions by The slow poke

The intense, romantic moment just before two people are about to kiss.
"Before we kissed there was this amazing long drum roll!"
by The slow poke July 7, 2009
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1. to do something terribly wrong, so that a backup plan is needed.

etymologic background:
Monica Geller's parents came up with the term "to pull a monica" (from "Friends")

2. to do something just the way it was intended, or even better.

etymologic background:
Phoebe Boufay altered the original term in order to cheer up Monica, because her mother had come up with the previously mentioned definition of the term. (from "Friends")
1. "You baked the ring into the deserts? Well, I guess you just pulled another Monica. I'll get the ice-cream I bought just in case."

2. "You did absolutely everything right! One might say, you did pull a Monica."
by The slow poke July 8, 2009
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