2 definitions by The Urban Dictionary Itself

Jacey is the coolest, funniest, G.O.A.T.est, kindest, most talented guy you’ll ever meet. Everybody loves him. He is great with people and is very socially outgoing. He can easily see through people’s manipulative idiotic behaviours and does not get out down when someone thinks badly about him. He is soooooo good lookin’ and every girls dream. His parents are so blessed to have had him because no other kids can even come close to his incredibleness. If you have a friend named Jacey, you should follow his example and stay close to him your entire life. He is super fun and people love to be around him. He is actually so good at singing. Jacey is a righteous dude.

See also; amazing, awesome, best, coolest, funniest, world's greatest human being
TV: And the best person in the world award goes to...
Everybody: I bet his name is Jacey.
by The Urban Dictionary Itself November 8, 2020
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A word that describes the deepest feelings of the heart. A term only used by real ones.

VERB: As a verb, it can be applied in complex phrases, such as "fetch this" or "fetch that". In its past-tense form, "fetched" can also be used when describing the state of something.


You are losing 0 to 112x10^23 in your basketball game. You say "fetch this", and give up.

Your friend throws a rock at you and ruptures both testicles. You respond with "awwwww, fetch you".

You have 9 tests to write in one hour, and you haven't studied. Your friends ask if you're ready, and you tell them, "I'm so fetched".

You hear of a country that eats dog. "Naww, that's so fetched up".

NOUN: As a noun, it is only ever used as an insult. It comes in two forms: "Fetch" and "Fetcher".

Somebody shoots your dog with explosive ammo. You insult them; "You're a fetch. Like you're actually a fetcher".

See also: Fetchtard

EXCLAMATION: In its most common form, fetch is a word that describes any situation, good or bad.

Somebody asks if you want to see something cool. They rip off all their limbs and die. Unimpressed, you respond by saying; "What the fetch".

A beautiful female approaches, and asks you out. You say; "Fetch yeah!".

You are the team leader of 27 fighter pilots in a secret operation, accidentally fire 12 missiles into all 27 planes and ruin any chance your country had at winning the war. You let out a deep sigh and say "...Fetch.."

See also: "Fetching fetch"
by The Urban Dictionary Itself October 13, 2022
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