1 definition by The Mann Group

The act of a specialty retail shop or business cultivating and nurturing an assortment of people in the embodiment of the store's soul and spirit. This group could be present, past, or future customers, or simply people attracted to the store's presence and feel - whether that be from a physical visit, or exposure their brand or media presence. TribeBuilding creates a stronger customer experience, foundation for trust and increases loyalty through the creation of a sense of community, be that virtual or physical. It negates the showrooming mentality.
TribeBuilding is when a customer comes into a specialty retail shop, if they are made to feel comfortable and relaxed, are asked right questions and listened to intently, they will adopt a feeling and sense of community. A feeling they are a part of a larger group with a common identity. Stores that TribeBuild introduce these customers to the intangible parts of the customer experience - group rides, runs, hikes, education, community involvement, a greater sense of the store's purpose, and entrench the belief that they are active participants in growing that experience with and for others.
by The Mann Group January 2, 2014
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