2 definitions by The Joker HAHA

A medical drama on Fox. The main characters are House, possibly the most irritating character ever created; Chase, a very pretty Australian doctor; Wilson, House's "friend" who looks and acts like a wounded dog; Foreman, a skeptic with the balls to stand up to House; Cameron, who would fall in love with Osama Bin Ladin if he was "damaged"; and Cuddy, a witty wiseass with the misfortune of being House's boss.
"Did you see that new episode of House yesterday?"
by The Joker HAHA December 2, 2006
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Possibly the coolest fictional character of all time. Batman's archenemy, with a thing for green and purple. Has been played by Jack Nicholson and many others. Also known as the Clown Prince of Crime and the Ace of Knaves.
"Joker and Batman faced off in Gotham City and Batman got sprayed with Smilex."
by The Joker HAHA December 2, 2006
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