1 definition by The GreatBuntBino

The act of performing the Slapstick antics of the vaudeville act Three Stooges perfected to a girl while having intercourse. This is performed by using two fingers to bunt her in the eyes during the act of intercourse and yelling wobble bobble bobble. This will cause uncontrollable convulsions and screaming. During this time you thrust harder and fight her natural instinct of fight or flight.

The only defense against this move is a flat hand raised against forehead to prevent bunting.
“While banging this chick she asked me to do something new and crazy. At this point I used to Beasley Bunt and watched in delight as she cringed and tightened her body while I proceeded to continue banging her until I was finished. She never retuned my phone call. But I am sure that if you see her and raise two fingers she will instantly go into defense mode.”
by The GreatBuntBino April 23, 2019
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