2 definitions by The Government of Greenland

Crazy, unbelievable, bad. The opposite of metal. If something is mad cow, it sucks.
Person 1: I just broke my arm and totaled my car!
Person 2: That's mad cow. I'm sorry.
by The Government of Greenland April 14, 2020
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Used to describe a decision: Simple; a no-brainer.

Used to describe a person: waffling over a simple choice with an easy answer.
Person 1: Do you want to take the bus or the car?
Person 2: That's boolean. We're taking the car; the bus is disgusting.

Person 1: Michael's trying to figure out whether he should wear brown or black shoes with his new black suit.

Person 2: Oh my god, he's being so boolean. He should obviously wear the black ones.
by The Government of Greenland April 14, 2020
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