1 definition by The Flying Space Chimp

A move from street fighter video game. The main character Ryu had invented the hadouken to protect all citizens from the forces of evil and mercenary armies. Ryu was a master of karate who joined up with a band of freedom fighters to protect and same the world from evil humans and spirits called akuma. In order to defeat these enemies Ryu created the hadouken to combat their spiritual powers and even sometimes cancel all of their abilities in general. PRetty much one of the most powerful moves in the street fighter genre or series if yopu want to call it that. Also recently the hadouken has been used in multiple of other fighting games and has been mentioned in several movies, some made from the series and some make a play or joke of it. Also Hadouken is also a very large Call of Duty clan.
Dude Ryu just used the hadouken to smash Commander Sheppard's dick.

Combo: XXBXA on X-box 360 creates the ultimate Hadouken to slay your enemies.
by The Flying Space Chimp October 15, 2013
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