48 definitions by The Ferocious Whomper

A case of paronychia an infection of the tissue folds around the nails. Usually the adjacent tissue is painful, red, and swollen. There may be pus which is usually yellow hence the name.
The yellow finger infection is often painful and disgusting to deal with.
by The Ferocious Whomper June 24, 2017
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A term referring to the universal right of all people to express their views and beliefs without fear of retribution.
Expressing our voiced freedoms is a step toward democracy!
by The Ferocious Whomper January 4, 2023
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A term used to describe freely expressed thoughts, opinions, and beliefs without fear of retribution. Any of the opinions and beliefs voiced during practicing that right.
We are practicing the right to protect our voiced freedoms.
by The Ferocious Whomper January 4, 2023
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A term used to describe an individual who identifies with the political left but takes their beliefs to an extreme level, using them to virtue signal and shame others who do not share their exact ideology.

These individuals are often seen as self-righteous and hypocritical, as they claim to champion progressive causes while simultaneously engaging in behavior that contradicts those beliefs.

Also "holier-than-left" is often used in response to individuals who engage in performative activism or who prioritize their moral superiority over actual progress.

It is also used to describe those who engage in cancel culture, attempting to silence or shame anyone who disagrees with their worldview.
I can't stand that holier-than-left guy who always lectures us about privilege but never actually does anything to help marginalized communities!
by The Ferocious Whomper April 16, 2023
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A term that means when a government bans and prohibits a certain product or service from a multibillion dollar company that costs a lot of money in revenue and causes harm to the economy.
The United States committed economic suicide by banning an app that was worth over $1 billion in revenue.
by The Ferocious Whomper December 19, 2022
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Dude, I don't want to hear your BS anymore you seriously need to GTSEWC!
by The Ferocious Whomper May 25, 2022
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Recessionism is a political ideology that believes an economic recession would benefit the rich and powerful while harming the poor and average working class. This is because the wealthy and billionaires would be able to buy things cheaper while the working class would have to suffer more due to the loss of jobs. The recessionist believes that this will push the government to make the rich pay more taxes, thus making the economy better off and this is a form of economic socialism, which is a major part of the capitalist system. The recessionist believes that the economy will get better if the rich suffer more from losing their money and their jobs and that the economy will get worse if the rich get richer and lose fewer jobs.

This is because the average person is a capitalist and the recessionist believes that a capitalist is someone who is against the interests of the poor and the working class, thus making the rich and powerful even go bankrupt.

In 2011, Congress passed a bill that gave more money to the government and banks.

This bill was the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and this act was passed because the government and the banks were in trouble, due to the financial crisis and the recession. This act had some good effects, but it was also used as a way to redistribute wealth.
Recessionism is a classic bait-and-switch ideology.
by The Ferocious Whomper December 8, 2022
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