1 definition by The last name "Garcia" takes up 6 pages in the San Antonio white pages

Horrible weather, has some of the hottest & most humid weather out of any city in the USA. Has frequently reached above 110 degrees in July.

The place to live if you want to get fat. We have a total of 85 McDonald's (yes I've counted) in city alone, not to mention all the other food chains. Has frequently been listed as one of the fattest cities in the nation, right up there with Houston. Due to the extreme weather, it makes people very reluctant to go out and exercise when they have the time to do so (aka summer)

You can't drive for more than 5 miles in San Antonio without seeing "Go Spurs Go" somewhere. That's all San Antonio has, is the Spurs. If you don't like basketball, apparently you're a traitor to the city.

You know you're from San Antonio if you've been to the Alamo, right outside of it, but never actually walked inside (they have a walk in tourist thing). The majority of people who say how great SA is, have just been to downtown SA and seen all the tourist attractions like the Riverwalk. If you ever hear someone say how they went to SA, chances are one of the first things they will mention is the Riverwalk.

Construction is abundant, no, unavoidable in San Antonio. We have so much construction everywhere, that it's ridiculous. The city takes forever to do anything, and we've been working on the "new freeways" for the past 10 years, hell, BEFORE THE ALAMODOME WAS BUILT.

Immigration is a huge problem for San Antonio. It's one of the most immigrated cities in the USA, next to New York. There was a book written, called "The House on Mango Street" by a Spanish immigrant. It's supposed to tell the story about her life and all that, but it basically confirms every single Hispanic stereotype people give them in San Antonio.

The crime is ridiculous. Speeding goes on everywhere, there's extremely frequent murders on the news, and the lack of policemen is almost unbelievable.

We are incredibly behind in technology, but spend our cities money on useless things like an arena for the Spurs, just so we can pimp them out to other cities and say "Go Spurs Go" even more. Our technology is incredibly out of date and we are a very ignorant city in this aspect. Go to somewhere like a Seattle school, and everyone has iPods. Go to San Antonio, and the people with iPods get theirs stolen.

There is a major conflict between the Whites & the Hispanics in SA. When the Alamodome was in production, white people purposely got paid less than Hispanics, to the point where a Hispanic JANITOR would be paid more than a white secretary. On the other side of the fence, you also see major distaste towards Mexicans if you visit enough white homes on the north side. There's been continuous racism and counter-racism between these two races going on for as long as one can remember.
Yes, San Antonio is a cheap city, you can get a 1600 square foot house for about $110k on average, but because of all the reasons above, no one wants to live here.
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