1 definition by The Organizer

the ultimate superman able to leap tall step stools with a single bound. Though seriously - a soux chef, a friend indeed (when a friend is in need), an intellectual, although politically misguided, capable, stylish, fun, superman! - Renu

a person who has a love of many things, specifically women and gadgets. Through the course of collecting both the person many times forgets where he left either or what it's original purpose was. But the love always remains. - Mukul

one who always wears hats! - Hardeep

my Shabu-Shabu buddy :) - Menka

one who never leaves his neighborhood, never returns people's $ or belongings, but has a BIG heart + I love dearly. -Varsha

a person who loves Texas football more than me - Chirag

Anand, your hospitality, humor, sports allegiance (UT) and Facebook updates (ALL OF THEM) make me feel privileged to have met you and, more importantly entertained by you. Happy Birthday! -Navin

A genuinely great hearted person who is generous but has a very messy office. :) -Soumya

One who is one of the few last gentleman-maybe that's just the side that we see :) Happy Birthday Anand. Keep Rocking - ???
We love Anand!
by The Organizer April 5, 2010
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