1 definition by The Ocelot Polisher

Ohmy corndogs man. She is this greatest human ever to walk the planet. Cuter than MArtin Freeman, more intelligent than Sherlock Holmes, she deserves a BAFTA for her stunning sense of humor, award worthy good looks, the softest flesh ever known to man. She is the perfect person to fangirl with things about and has a great tumblr. She has a profound love for shoulder blades and collar bones and boys who are scrawny as fuck (i.e. Colin Morgan, Ben Whishaw). She has an amazing sense of style and is very creative and makes lots of neat stuff. She is loyal, caring and kind and a RAVENCLAW.
Everyone knows who she is so an example is unnecessary. FINE Kiyona
by The Ocelot Polisher January 6, 2013
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