9 definitions by The Macstablishment

When you get a solid fart brewed up, fart into your cupped hand and throw it into your friend's face.

While performing said action, exclaim "Ninja, vanish!!!" in a loud, possibly Asian accented voice. While your victim is blinded by your noxious gift to the face, get the hell out of there like a ninja.
As I got up from the couch, I managed to corral a solid fart into my hand and Ninja Vanish Darla, escaping before she realized what had hit her.
by The Macstablishment July 5, 2011
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The most delicious sushi in the Silicon Valley. Home of the RSM Roll.
"We have money to blow.. where should we go?"
"Why, to Michi Sushi of course."
by The Macstablishment December 19, 2006
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