1 definition by The Denominator

A somewhat interesting superhero who probably owes his name to a much more interesting Canadian Folk-Band captain tractor. He is the quissential Canadian-Teenage-Stoner, with the exception of having super powers. Of course due to the low crime rate of the Great White North, he hardly ever does anything worth mentioning. Although he did stop a "whacky" nazi invaison of his own highschool once. Currently he is the leaser of "super" team comprised of a equally defunct individuals including: shrewd, an idiot, a perverted homocidal maniac, a stalker, and a bit fat guy.

Captain Tractor is currently being turned into an indie flick by Five-Men and a Lemon productions.
"Captain Tractor took out the Robotic-Death-Hats his shark gun...which in fact did shoot out a living breathing Tiger Shark."
by The Denominator January 30, 2007
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